Expert Tips and Tricks for Maximum Air Conditioner Efficiency

George Wayne Mechanical is a leading provider of air conditioner services and air conditioning repair. We are committed to helping our customers maintain optimal temperatures at home while saving on energy costs. Here we have compiled a few tips, tricks and advice to help you do just that.

Air Filter Maintenance is Key

Your air conditioning system’s filter plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient operation of the unit. Make sure to clean or replace your air conditioner’s filter every month during peak seasons. A clean filter will prevent your air conditioner from overworking, thus, reducing unnecessary energy consumption and increasing its lifespan.

Opt for a Programmable Thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat enables you to automatically control the temperature of your home, depending on the time of day. With this tool, you can set your air conditioner to a higher temperature when you are not home, and cool down your house right before your arrival. Doing this could help you save up to 10% on your heating and cooling bills yearly.

Regular Professional Maintenance

While there are small fixes and checks that homeowners can do themselves, professional servicing twice a year will help maintain the health of your air conditioner. Our team at George Wayne Mechanical offers thorough inspections and performance check-ups to ensure your system is running at peak efficiency.

Optimize Your Home’s Insulation

No matter how efficient your air conditioner might be, a poorly insulated home will always require more energy to cool. By sealing any cracks and improving insulation, you increase the efficiency of your air conditioner and save on energy bills.

These tips can help prolong the life of your air conditioner and minimize expensive repair costs. The team at George Wayne Mechanical is always here to help. Let us ensure your comfort and peace of mind.